3 Reasons Why It’s Profitable For You To Share These Blog Posts With Your Business Associates and Professional Study Groups (i.e. “LinkedIn”)

Reason #1:  You can work together on the planning concepts in the Blog allowing you to apply these ideas more effectively to different real world client situations.

The sales ideas and concepts in this Blog can be technical (especially as you try to implement them with unique client situations).  Working with other producers that are on the same page can literally be the difference between (a) learning an interesting idea and then forgetting about it and (b) doubling your income this year.

Reason #2:  You can become a specialist for other individuals that simply want to partner with you when certain types of cases arise.

In some cases, other professionals will prefer to focus on their core business and just let you handle specific types of cases when they come up.  By sharing these blogs with your peers, they at least know about the concept enough to push this business to you on a partner basis.

Reason #3:  One of the most important things to any financial advisor is to keep motivated in their business…

Motivation is crucial in so many areas…. motivation to learn…. motivation to continue helping clients reach their goals…. motivation to find new clients.  Joining a professional study group that meets weekly or monthly is a great way to ensure that your motivation stays high.  And, by sharing these blogs, you can always provide your group great topics for discussion and follow up (making you a valuable and desired member of any team).

To help others subscribe to this Blog, just copy the link below into your emails or LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, Twitter posts……


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